Thursday, January 18, 2007

Where does the time go?

I realized tonight that I don't really have a baby anymore. He is looking more and more like a little person and less like a little baby. Except for his nighttime rocking routine, which I have a definite love-hate relationship with, he's all but grown up. At 14 months, it just hit me.

He's learned the word "no" and uses it at every chance he gets.

When I tell him I have to go to work in the morning, he starts waving bye bye to me (although his gesture really looks more like "come here", but it's the thought that counts, right?)

When I talk about one of the dogs, Maddux or Kizzy, he makes his adorable barking noise, which goes something like "ahh, ahh, ahh."

When we put him in his high chair, he immediately starts chanting "ish, ish, ish"... which means fish, goldfish... but really means any kind of snack like puffs, cheerios, crackers.... they're all "ish".

He definitely has an opinion about what he wants most of the time - sometimes he just struggles to communicate that want to us, which leads to his new favorite thing to do - throw a temper tantrum. As fun as that is, I'm hoping that as he learns more words, that frustration will subside.

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